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iCare Line of Tonometers Webinar

Continuing Education

October 10, 2024 7pm (CET)

This will be an informative session on the iCare line of tonometers, where we will explore the advantages of rebound tonometry compared to other available methods. Discover why monitoring IOP is so important, why low IOP can be just as concerning as high IOP and learn effective ways to incorporate tonometry into patient exams. You will also learn everything you want to know about the new TONOVET Pro.

To register: Click this link.

Target Group: Anyone from veterinary medicine interested in ophthalmology and tonometry

Seminar Objective: Do you need new equipment for your practice, but are still unsure which instruments and equipment are best suited for you? In our free product webinars, we will help you find exactly the right one for you and your practice!

Download the Seminar Program as a PDF:  Download

Speaker: Natalie Herring, LVT, VTS (Ophthalmology), Veterinary Area Manager, North America, iCare TONOVET